Sunday, 5 February 2012

Can't wait to share about Advance cake decoration class

What a relief. I was planning for this class from so long.  With the help of expert baker this class was arranged specially for my friends cum students. I am very happy though very tired. It was a long day.  Yesterday I was not able to sleep because of pressure of the class, nervousness was all over me and today not able to sleep because I can’t wait till tomorrow to write and share about the class on the blog.
 I think the photos of the class itself will tell you how much I have and hope my students would have enjoyed. It is all about creativity and not to forget efforts you put to create such a beautiful art in baking.

1 comment:

  1. Wowwww Deepali..This is simply amazing. Good going. I will keep a watch on the schedule of this class


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